Upcoming Events
We Create Meaning
Oranienstraße 189
Join us for a Berlin-based full-day workshop on Biomimicry & Imagination: Designing and Dreaming with More-Than-Human Intelligence.
Learn the foundational practices of Biomimicry and Ecological Imagination, two powerful tools that can expand your creative vision, help you dream beyond the human-centered paradigm, and deepen your connection to nature.
This unique full-day experience invites you into a multisensorial journey, where imagination becomes a radical practice, helping shape futures that are just as alive, resilient, and regenerative as the ecosystems that inspire them.
Join the waiting list and be the first to know when signups open!
Multi Species Worlding
November 12, 2024
What can humans learn from other species? What does it mean to work with and alongside them to co-create thriving futures?
Sympoiesis developed an immersive imagination practice that supports participants in deeply connecting with another species and learn how they perceive, sense, feel, and shape their worlds. Through a guided, sound-assisted visualization and group conversations, participants practice more-than-human empathy and futures thinking. Combining this ecosystem of perspectives, the group will co-create an emergent story of a regenerative future — and find their unique role in making it real.
Over 150 people joined past workshops — ranging from designers, storytellers, educators to entrepreneurs, architects, communicators, and policy makers, dedicated to bringing the voices of the living world into their work and design practices. A smaller version of our workshop has been included in Joseph Rowntree Foundation's new Collective Imagination Toolkit.
Past Events
Multi Species Worlding
Knoweaux Futures, Berlin
July 3, 2024
“The workshop has sparked new ideas and creative insights on how to incorporate multi-species understanding in my work as a way to enhance people’s connection with the natural world.”
— Anne P.
Our well-received and anticipated workshop “Multi-Species Worlding” is back! It creates a unique experience where you are guided into the felt perspective of another species, practice speaking as that species, and creatively build shared worlds that serve all of life.
Animals, plants, and the rest of the more-than-human world are often casualties of our human inventions and designs instead of co-creators that mutually benefit from them. This has resulted in catastrophic biodiversity loss.
This workshop brings together multi-species artists, architects, researchers, storytellers, communicators, educators, entrepreneurs, designers, and anyone curious about co-creating worlds where all species thrive.
Summer camp
July 10-18, 2023
Hvalsø, Denmark
The I.N.S.E.C.T. Summercamp, now in its second year, brings together global designers, architects, artists, biologists, entomologists, ecologists, and like-minded researchers to improve methodologies around multispecies co-creation and design. We call ourselves the I.N.S.E.C.T. Collective, and we hope to make this annual event a critical locus for building and sharing new methodologies for a changing world.
We are particularly interested in interacting with and designing for insects and other, commonly-overlooked organisms. Last year we concentrated on prototyping a digitally-designed insect hotel in part 1. In part 2, we explored ways-of-being with insects through experimental methods such as meditation, perception walks, primal play, wearable props and more.
Poster design by Sympoiesis. We will participate and co-design the camp.